Central California


What Our Adopters Say
Here are some comments from families that have adopted from us...
There is no way we can possibly thank you enough for letting Jack spend his last five years with us. Despite what his previous owners may have believed, he was a wonderful dog who brought us so much joy, so many laughs, and now, so many tears. We will truly miss our "Big Old Big Dog". Bob & Patty
Koda is doing great! We love him more then life. Thanks for letting us welcome this amazing dog into our life!!! He's brought us so much joy and laughs! Travis & Lindsay
Thank you CCLRR for all that you do to find these wonderful dogs a home. I am happier every single day because of my Tucker boy and that is made possible because you took the time to scoop up a lab who needed you. Thank you! Mari
We had almost five amazing years with Harley and truly believe senior pets are the best. She was so easy, sweet, calm and happy. She loved us and we loved her! The perfect fit! We were blessed. Thank you for bringing her into our lives. Jenny
Chief is doing wonderful! He came home and jumped right into the family. He made himself comfortable in our bed the first night and has claimed our big chair as his own. He is the biggest cuddler and we couldn't love him more. We're so happy to have him and so thankful to CCLRR for bringing him to us. Michael & Christina
I am the proud new adopter of Buck #2 (now Cal) - he is a wonderful dog and I feel so lucky we found each other. I wanted to drop you a note to say thank you, and to let you know that all of my interactions with your organization and with Cal's foster mom have been absolutely first class. Thank you for everything you do for these wonderful dogs and for people like me and my family, the very lucky beneficiaries of your work. Linda
Two months ago we had to say goodbye to our 14 yo Chessie/Lab mix. Broke our hearts. Then we signed up with your group and look what you found for us! Such a great dog. It's hard to believe someone didn't look hard enough to find her. Thanks to all your team for the wonderful work you all do. David & Judy